Wealth Matters, Q3 2023: The Sustainability Issue

In our latest edition of Wealth Matters we focus on sustainable investing. Goodbody Global Strategic Advisor Joe Prendergast asks how best we should invest for future generations?

“It is increasingly clear that our prospects for survival depend upon our ability to reduce dependency on fossil fuels, while also continuing to increase living standards globally. The challenge to fulfil the needs of current generations without compromising the needs of future generation is perhaps the clearest definition of, and rationale for, sustainability.”

Other highlights in this edition:

  • Traditional investing delivers value to investors by putting money into investment opportunities, these opportunities carry risks that are reflected in the expected returns profile. Sustainable investing builds on traditional investing by integrating environmental, social, and governance related (ESG) insights. But how is this approached at Goodbody? Senior Research Analyst, Brian Flavin gives an outline.
  • At the end of 2022, the green bond market surpassed the $2trillion level. Head of Fixed Income Strategy, Elizabeth Geoghegan, explains how these bonds work and their relationship to sustainable investing.
  • Chief Investment Officer, Bernard Swords, gives an after-summer economic outlook and examines if there are still reasons to be cautious in markets.

For a comprehensive picture of our views, read the full report below or click here to view the report in your browser.

This is a marketing communication.

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