
Top Down: Much ado about nothing?

20 September 2023

Every month, our Asset Allocation Committee meets to discuss and debate our market outlook. How has our asset allocation changed month-on-month? Here Bernard Swords, Chief Investment Officer, presents our views.

During the summer, the idea of a ‘soft landing’ for the US economy gained traction to help equity markets but high interest rates were determined to stick around.

The global economy looks to be under more pressure than it was in July. Manufacturing and services sectors are plateauing as post pandemic buying fades.

Chinese authorities are working to bring back stabilisation to the property market. The property downturn has already impacted consumer sentiment and consumption while China’s growth has been downgraded.

Is slowing growth something to be concerned about? Or should we relax? How has it affected our asset allocation?

To learn more, read our latest edition of Top Down.


Previous editions of Top Down

Explore some of our previous editions of Top Down to see how our asset allocation views have changed this year.  

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