Your Investments
Investment Viewpoint: key takeaways from our Asset Allocation Committee meeting

Bernard Swords

What were the key messages from our Asset Allocation Committee meeting last week?

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Your Investments
Chart of the week: a challenge

Bernard Swords

In our latest instalment of our blog series, Chart of the week, Bernard Swords, Chief Investment Officer, examines how the US, eurozone and Chinese economies are performing relative to forecasts - and what that means for equity markets.

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Your Investments
Investment Viewpoint: political events in focus

Bernard Swords

Political events were prominent last week. What do they mean for markets?

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Your Investments
Chart of the week: it’s not over yet

Bernard Swords

In our latest instalment of our blog series, Chart of the week, Bernard Swords, Chief Investment Officer, examines the movement in the French 10-year yield and its spread over the German equivalent in the wake of the first round of the French National Assembly elections.

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Your Investments
Investment Viewpoint: 2024 mid-year review and outlook

Bernard Swords

How has the year evolved relative to our 2024 outlook - and what is our outlook for the rest of the year?

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Your Investments
Chart of the week: not too hot, not too cold

Bernard Swords

In our latest instalment of our blog series, Chart of the week, Bernard Swords, Chief Investment Officer, examines the outlook for US interest rates.

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Your Investments
Investment Viewpoint: what were the key themes in markets last week?

Bernard Swords

Last week, US inflation data and political developments were in focus. How did they impact markets?

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Your Investments
Chart of the week: the concern is not here

Bernard Swords

In our latest instalment of our blog series, Chart of the week, Bernard Swords, Chief Investment Officer, examines the US labour market and asks: is the growth in employment inflationary?

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Your Investments
Investment Viewpoint: how did markets react to the ECB rate cut?

Bernard Swords

Last week, the ECB cut interest rates for the first time in five years – how did fixed income markets react?

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Your Investments
Chart of the week: the euro revival

Bernard Swords

In our latest instalment of our blog series, Chart of the week, Bernard Swords, Chief Investment Officer, examines the change in fortunes for the euro area equity market relative to the US equity market.

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Your Investments
Chart of the week: things changing in Japan?

Bernard Swords

In our latest instalment of our blog series, Chart of the week, Bernard Swords, Chief Investment Officer, examines why Japan's 10-year bond yield has climbed to levels not seen since 2011.

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Your Investments
Chart of the week: do as I do, not as I say

Bernard Swords

In our latest instalment of our blog series, Chart of the week, Bernard Swords, Chief Investment Officer, plots the US consumer sentiment index against actual retail sales growth. What does it tell us about the US consumer?

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Your Investments
Chart of the week: the US slowdown cometh?

Bernard Swords

In our latest instalment of our blog series, Chart of the week, Bernard Swords, Chief Investment Officer, examines the latest ISM non-Manufacturing survey - and what it tells us about the US economy.

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